
Generatore di tensione per il settore medicale.

MCB Electronics, fornitore leader di apparecchiature elettriche, ha recentemente fornito un generatore di tensione all’avanguardia a un importante cliente nel settore medicale. Il cliente richiedeva una soluzione affidabile e versatile per testare macchine medicali e sterilizzatori prima del loro lancio sul mercato. MCB Electronics ha affrontato con successo questa sfida fornendo un generatore di tensione ad alte prestazioni in grado di soddisfare requisiti specifici di tensione e frequenza.

Soddisfare precise esigenze di tensione e frequenza:

Il cliente aveva due esigenze principali. In primo luogo, avevano bisogno di testare le loro macchine con impostazioni di tensione e frequenza specifiche e precise. In secondo luogo, avevano bisogno di una soluzione per testare le macchine progettate per il mercato americano, che opera su uno standard attuale diverso rispetto all’Europa.

Soluzione personalizzata di MCB Electronics:

Per soddisfare questi requisiti, MCB Electronics ha fornito un generatore di tensione all’avanguardia con funzionalità di frequenza variabile, adattato alle specifiche tecniche del cliente. La complessità del compito derivava dalla natura diversa dei prodotti medicali da testare. Questi prodotti sono costituiti da vari componenti, come motori, compressori, resistenze e sofisticati circuiti elettronici, tutti operanti contemporaneamente. Ciò ha rappresentato una sfida in termini di creazione di picchi di assorbimento elevati durante le diverse fasi operative, alimentando contemporaneamente diversi tipi di carichi, tra cui carichi resistivi, capacitivi e induttivi superiori a 45 kW. Inoltre, ogni linea di test doveva ospitare fino a tre sterilizzatori.

Versatilità nella generazione di frequenze:

In termini di frequenza, il generatore fornito da MCB Electronics ha offerto un’eccezionale flessibilità. Potrebbe produrre una gamma di frequenze lineari da 40 a 80 Hz [± 1%] o frequenze quarzate da 50 o 60 Hz [± 0,01%]. Ciò ha garantito la compatibilità con un’ampia gamma di dispositivi medici e ha permesso al cliente di condurre test accurati e affidabili in diversi scenari di frequenza.

MCB Electronics ha messo in mostra la propria esperienza e il proprio impegno per la soddisfazione del cliente fornendo un generatore di tensione personalizzato che soddisfaceva esattamente i requisiti unici del proprio cliente del settore medicale. Anche l’ordine è stato realizzato in tempi record; dall’acquisizione dell’ordine alla spedizione del prodotto finito sono passate circa dieci settimane. Le caratteristiche e le capacità avanzate del generatore hanno consentito di eseguire test completi di macchine medicali e sterilizzatori, garantendone la conformità agli standard normativi e una facile diffusione sul mercato. MCB Electronics continua ad essere un partner di fiducia per le aziende che operano in settori esigenti, fornendo soluzioni elettriche innovative su misura per le loro esigenze specifiche.

Francesco Franco

Understanding Galvanic Isolation: Enhancing Electrical Safety and Performance

Galvanic Isolation: Enhancing Electrical Safety and Performance

Galvanic isolation is a crucial concept in electrical engineering that plays a significant role in ensuring safety, reliability, and optimal performance of various electronic systems. In this blog post, we will delve into the meaning of galvanic isolation, explore why it is called so, provide examples of its application, highlight the key differences between galvanic isolation and electrical isolation, and discuss the custom power conversion solutions offered by MCB Electronics.

What is Galvanic Isolation?

Galvanic isolation is a technique used to separate electrical circuits, preventing direct electrical contact while allowing the transfer of signals or power between them. It utilizes a physical barrier, typically in the form of an isolation barrier or an isolator, to eliminate the possibility of current flow and voltage fluctuations between interconnected systems. This isolation provides several benefits, including enhanced electrical safety, noise reduction, and the prevention of ground loop issues.

Why is it Called Galvanic Isolation?

The term “galvanic isolation” originates from the concept of galvanic cells, which are electrochemical cells that convert chemical energy into electrical energy. In galvanic cells, two dissimilar metals immersed in an electrolyte create an electric potential difference. Similarly, galvanic isolation separates electrical circuits using a barrier, much like the separation of metals in a galvanic cell, to prevent the flow of electric current and minimize potential differences between interconnected systems.

Example of Galvanic Isolation:

One prominent example of galvanic isolation is its application in AC power sources. For instance, companies like MCB Electronics offer advanced AC power sources equipped with galvanic isolation capabilities. These power sources are widely used in various industries, including telecommunications, medical devices, and industrial automation. By incorporating galvanic isolation, these power sources ensure that the output voltage is electrically isolated from the input, providing an added layer of protection against electrical faults and reducing the risk of electrical shocks or damage to sensitive equipment.

Customized Power Conversion Solutions by MCB Electronics:

MCB Electronics specializes in producing customized power conversion solutions, offering both autotransformers and isolation transformers. However, when building a three-phase bridge, the transformer becomes mandatory, and there is no choice for an autotransformer. This is due to the design requirements and specific application needs.

Difference between an Autotransformer and a Isolation Transformer:

Differentiating between an autotransformer and an isolation transformer is simple. While both serve the purpose of transferring electrical energy between circuits, the key distinction lies in their configuration. A transformer has no poles in common with the primary and secondary windings, whereas an autotransformer has one pole in common between the primary and secondary windings. This difference impacts factors such as voltage regulation, efficiency, and size considerations.

Galvanic isolation serves as a critical tool for ensuring electrical safety, reducing noise interference, and enhancing the performance of electronic systems. By understanding the meaning of galvanic isolation, its origins, practical applications, and the difference between galvanic isolation and electrical isolation, engineers and professionals can make informed decisions when designing and implementing electrical systems. MCB Electronics, with its expertise in custom power conversion solutions, offers a range of options including autotransformers and isolation transformers to meet specific industry requirements.

Example of Three-phase bridge principle diagram:

Francesco Franco

Comprendere le unità di alimentazione a terra (GPU) per gli aeromobili: Migliorare l’efficienza e l’affidabilità.

Le unità di alimentazione a terra svolgono un ruolo cruciale nel settore dell'aviazione.

Le unità di alimentazione a terra (Ground Power Units – GPU) svolgono un ruolo cruciale nel settore dell’aviazione, fornendo energia elettrica essenziale agli aeromobili mentre sono a terra. In questo articolo approfondiremo l’importanza delle GPU, le loro applicazioni nell’aviazione, le loro dimensioni, le loro funzionalità e le loro differenze rispetto alle unità di potenza ausiliarie (APU). Inoltre, esploreremo un prodotto di rilievo in questo settore, il Power Boost Deluxe.

L’uso e le applicazioni delle unità di potenza di terra:

Le unità di alimentazione a terra servono come fonti di alimentazione esterna per gli aeromobili durante le varie operazioni a terra. Forniscono energia elettrica per funzioni cruciali come le operazioni in cabina di pilotaggio, i sistemi dell’aereo e le attività di manutenzione. Le GPU vengono utilizzate durante i preparativi pre-volo, l’imbarco dei passeggeri, la manutenzione dei motori, i test dell’avionica e altre operazioni a terra. Utilizzando una GPU affidabile, le compagnie aeree possono ridurre il consumo di carburante e minimizzare l’usura dei sistemi di alimentazione interni dell’aereo.

Le dimensioni delle unità di alimentazione di terra:

Le unità di alimentazione a terra sono disponibili in varie dimensioni per adattarsi ai diversi tipi di aeromobili e ai diversi requisiti di alimentazione. Possono variare da unità portatili compatte per aerei più piccoli a unità fisse più grandi progettate per jet a fusoliera larga. Le dimensioni di una GPU sono in genere determinate dalla sua capacità di potenza in uscita, misurata in kilovolt-ampere (kVA) o talvolta in volt e ampere (V/A).

Come funzionano le unità di alimentazione di terra con gli aeromobili:

Quando un aeromobile è a terra e necessita di alimentazione esterna, un GPU viene collegato all’impianto elettrico dell’aeromobile tramite un cavo di alimentazione. La GPU fornisce l’energia elettrica necessaria, consentendo ai sistemi dell’aeromobile di funzionare senza dipendere da fonti di alimentazione interne come l’APU o i motori. Le GPU forniscono in genere un’alimentazione pulita e stabile, garantendo il funzionamento regolare dei sistemi avionici critici e riducendo al minimo il rischio di fluttuazioni di potenza.

La differenza tra APU e alimentazione a terra:

Le unità di potenza ausiliarie (APU) sono fonti di alimentazione integrate negli aeromobili. Servono come sistema di alimentazione secondario e possono fornire energia elettrica e pneumatica per varie funzioni di bordo. Le unità di alimentazione di terra, invece, sono dispositivi esterni che forniscono energia agli aerei quando sono a terra. Le GPU sono collegate tramite cavi e offrono un’alternativa affidabile ed economica all’uso dell’APU per le operazioni a terra.

La differenza tra GPU e APU nell’aviazione:

Mentre le APU sono essenziali per l’alimentazione dei sistemi dell’aeromobile durante il volo, le GPU sono progettate specificamente per le operazioni a terra. Le GPU sono in grado di erogare potenze più elevate rispetto alle APU, rendendole adatte a operazioni pesanti come l’avviamento dei motori e le procedure di manutenzione. Inoltre, l’utilizzo di una GPU al posto dell’APU per l’alimentazione a terra può prolungare la durata di vita dell’APU e ridurre i costi di manutenzione.

Introduzione di Power Boost Deluxe:

Un prodotto GPU degno di nota sul mercato è il Power Boost Deluxe, offerto da MCB Electronics. Power Boost Deluxe è una GPU ad alte prestazioni che fornisce un’alimentazione affidabile e stabile ai velivoli. Grazie alle sue caratteristiche avanzate, tra cui le impostazioni di tensione e frequenza regolabili, la protezione da sovraccarico e i controlli di facile utilizzo, Power Boost Deluxe garantisce operazioni a terra efficienti e sicure.

Le unità di alimentazione a terra sono strumenti indispensabili nell’industria aeronautica, in quanto forniscono energia esterna agli aeromobili durante le operazioni a terra. Il loro utilizzo aumenta l’efficienza, riduce il consumo di carburante e minimizza l’usura dei sistemi di alimentazione interni. Comprendere l’importanza delle GPU, le loro applicazioni e le loro differenze rispetto alle APU può aiutare le compagnie aeree a ottimizzare le operazioni a terra. Power Boost Deluxe si distingue come opzione GPU affidabile, in grado di offrire funzioni avanzate per soddisfare le esigenze di alimentazione di diversi velivoli.

Francesco Franco

Partnership with AtlanTech Marketing LLC

MCB ELECTRONICS and AtlanTech Marketing LLC announce an important strategic partnership and collaboration agreement.

AtlanTech Marketing LLC, as of May 1st 2023, will exclusively represent the MCB Electronics product lines within the State of Florida in the USA.

This agreement follows the meeting held between the parties in Orlando at APEC2023 where AtlanTech showed its interested in the MCB Electronics power conversion solutions.

AtlanTech Marketing LLC, an American company located in Palm Bay, Florida, is a consolidated manufacturing representative company with a wide ranging background and unique perspectives. AtlanTech represents only manufacturers of the highest quality and integrity.

Francesco Franco, MCB Head of Sales and Marketing states: “MCB Electronics designer and manufacturer of innovative solutions in the industrial sector, is excited to harvest the first fruits coming from the major relevant investments in marketing and technical team empowerment undertaken in the past months. APEC2023 was definitely a showcase that attracted the attention of some of the most important stakeholders of the power industry at worldwide level. AtlanTech Marketing LLC could grasp and sense our flourishing potential and we are sure that our cooperation will drive our brand reputation and brand recognition within several industries in Florida. After the touch-down in the West coast back in the end of 2022, it’s now time to pave our way on the East shores of United States”

Timothy Koteff, President of AtlanTech Marketing, LLC adds “We are proud to be trusted to represent MCB Electronics in Florida.  We think this exciting and dynamic line will satisfy a wide range of technically diverse companies.  We look forward to working with MCB Electronics and their customers.”

Villa Guardia (CO), Italy – 02/05/2023


MCB ELECTRONICS and LUCENTS TECHNOLOGIES INDIA PVT. LTD announce an important strategic exclusive partnership and collaboration agreement within the Indian Territory.

LUCENTS TECHNOLOGIES INDIA PVT. LTD, as of 1st November 2022, will be distributing and integrating the new MCB ELECTRONICS product lines into their cutting-edge testing and measuring systems in India with comprehensive solutions suitable with a broad array of markets.

MCB ELECTRONICS based in Italy and active since 1996 designs, manufactures and exports power electronics equipment all over the world with a concept based on strong customization and versatility, covering numerous market applications.

LUCENTS TECHNOLOGIES INDIA PVT. LTD is a leader in extending solutions based products & services in the field of Electronics equipments & TMI systems, having a wide industrial / R&D applications in all the major segments in the market.

This cooperation has been made possible thanks to the incessant scouting of international, qualitative and exclusive partners conducted by our Head of Sales and Marketing Mr Francesco Franco and the long-term vision and forward-thinking of Mr. Anurag Gupta –Director Sales Lucents Technologies to leverage the innovative solutions in the field of Power Electronics from globally reputed brand MCB, Italy to address rising Indian Market.

Villa Guardia (CO), Italy – 01/11/2022

Partnership with RJ AUTOMATYKA

MCB ELECTRONICS and RJ AUTOMATYKA announce an important strategic partnership and collaboration agreement.

RJ AUTOMATYKA, as of 1st May 2022, will be implementing the new MCB ELECTRONICS product lines into their forefront automation solutions in Poland.

MCB ELECTRONICS based in Italy and active since 1996 designs, manufactures and exports power ELECTRONICS equipment all over the world with a concept based on strong customization and versatility, covering numerous market applications.

RJ AUTOMATYKA is a leader in Design and Construction of custom automated machines and production lines as well as implementation of measuring station united to a strong competence both in hardware and software. System Integration at its finest at the service of Electrics, Automatics, Robotics and Pneumatics fields.

This cooperation has been made possible thanks to the hard work of both the parties and specifically through the mediation between Mr Robert Kwarciak, Sales Manager Poland of MCB ELECTRONICS and Mr Dawid Wylenżek, Development and Implementation Director of RJ AUTOMATYKA.

Villa Guardia (CO), Italy – 14/04/2022

New Power Boost Premium SS with 7″ LCD

Any new engineering project requires first analytical and planning skills and then commitment, drive, method and passion in a close-knit interaction between marketing and R&D department.
Here in MCB Electronics, where the ingenuity meets the technological boutique concept, we promote the association person-project where any professional can freely come up with an idea and develop it in compliance with the guidelines and the road-map set out by the sales & marketing department.

As of February 1st 2022, we are enthusiastic and excited to announce the launch into the market of our new AC power source Power-Boost SS (1-phase input, 1-phase output) equipped with a captivating, charming and innovative 7’’ LCD touch screen panel geared with the most complete array of functions currently available at MCB Electronics.
In attachment an overview with most of the implemented features.
Our Engineer Mr Fabio Pietrini, is undoubtedly an example of how much MCB believes in his collaborators: from his diploma in Electronics to his degree in Electronics Engineering until the completion of this outstanding brilliant job, Fabio has had the luck and honour to see the company growing and deeply transforming

Have a look at the product brochure here!

Villa Guardia (CO), Italy – 17/01/2022

Partnership with TYTO ROBOTICS

MCB Electronics has designed and developed a versatile customizable AC/DC system perfectly suitable for powering test stands dedicated to UAV and Wind Tunnels applications: MCB Power-Spin.

Power-Spin was inspired and conceived by the cooperation with the Canadian Tyto Robotics: their need to power their test stands with reliable custom AC/DC power supplies motivated us to accept the “challenge”.  

A huge thank to Charles Blouin and Joffrey Ferry who firmly believed in MCB Electronics since day one: we are thrilled to see our technology accompanying Tyto’s test stands around the world. First installations deployed in Porto Rico, Canada and US.

Powering test stands controlling propellers performances has never been easier.
Thanks to MCB Power-Spin, UAV test stands designers and UAV manufacturers can brilliantly test any drone bypassing the on-board battery with the following upsides:

·    power supply continuity during the long endurance tests without any interruption due to battery replacement or battery recharge,

·    limitation of the charging cycles and therefore, preservation of the battery performances

·    dramatic reduction of the fire risk typical of any storage system at the production/testing facility
Starting from a single custom module is possible to parallelize more units in order to meet the most various output Voltage and Amperage ranges required by the customer.

MCB Power-Spin can support any worldwide AC mains electricity in input according to the required and specified specifications provided by the customer.

Upon express request, MCB put in place the option to equip the Power-Spin with an external device capable to automatically detect the local AC mains electricity and accordingly setting up the unit in output without any human interaction.

Villa Guardia (CO), Italy – 09/12/2021

Scandinavian Partnership

MCB Electronics and Caltech AB announce an important strategic partnership and collaboration agreement.
Caltech AB, starting from 1st July 2021, will exclusively distribute the new MCB Electronics product lines on the entire Nordic Region including Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland.
MCB Electronics based in Villa Guardia (CO) and active since 1996 designs, manufactures and exports power electronics equipment all over the world with a concept based on strong customization and versatility, covering numerous market applications.

Caltech AB, a Swedish company located in Vallingby, is a consolidated distribution reality that, thanks to its deep technical skills combined with a widespread presence in Scandinavia, distributes cutting-edge measuring instruments and first tier power electronics equipment.

In MCB we have quickly evolving and in order to keep up with this transformation we have to rely on solid reliable partnerships across the World. Caltech and its team has been receptive on embracing our Company vision and roadmap since day one. We are confident that this long-lasting bond will generate mutual added value in a geographic area commercially still unexplored and pristine for us.

Francesco Franco, MCB Electronics Sales Director

Caltech AB’s are incredibly happy that this collaboration has taken place and we look forward to introducing MCB to both new and existing customers. With MCB Electronics on board, we get another opportunity to offer complete solutions to our customers.

Mats Svensson, Caltech AB General Manager

Villa Guardia (CO), Italy & Vällingby, Sweden – 14/06/2021